Thursday, June 23, 2011

Modern Family

My little sister introduced me to Modern Family. I may or may not really enjoy watching the show. Who's my favorite? Hmmm. It's a tie between Phil and Cameron.

Phil: "Act like a parent, talk like a peer. I call it 'peerenting.'"

Phil: "I text. LOL: laugh out loud; OMG: Oh, my gosh; WTF: Why the face?"

Cameron: "Yes, I've gained a few extra pounds while we were expecting the baby... but that's science. You can't fight it."

Cameron: "There's a fish in nature that swims around with its babies in its mouth. That fish would look at Mitchell's relationship with his mother and say, 'That's messed up.'"


  1. Love the show and Phil is hands down my favorite!!! Why the face...bahahahahahaha!!!

  2. isn't it the best show ever?!?!?

  3. haha! I have so wanted to watch this but never have!! I should netflix the seasons or something. :D

  4. Hahaha. I love that show!!!

  5. I love Gloria, Cam, and Phil! Some of the best comedy ever.

  6. i LOVE that show... for me it is really a tie between Phil and Gloria hehe

  7. I LOVE this show! I own season 1 (it often goes on sale at Target for 50% off). Love these quotes!

  8. I know. Seriously. Did you read about how I met CAM?? It was a high point and we are pretty much BFF.


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