Monday, October 26, 2009

"Could care less"

This is one of my pet peeves. You hear it all the time.

"I could care
less what you..."

"I could care
less if he..."

That doesn't make any sense people! Are you listening to what you are saying? You COULD care less, so it means you do care right now. I don't think that is what you want to be saying because normally, this phrase is used when someone really DOESN'T care about something.

The correct phrase in this case would be:

"I couldn't care

less what you..."

"I couldn't care

less if he..."

Just FYI.


  1. I could care less about this post. Uh..couldn't. Yeah, definitely couldn't. haha.

  2. I am sooooo with you on this one-huge pet peeve!

  3. However... it is SO hard to overcome that habit because everyone says it wrong. Every time I say it wrong I get bugged with myself, but can't seem to say it right the first time. So I agree, it is a pet-peeve of mine. I bug myself:)


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